Hospice Academy: Plan of Compliance for CoPs

Each registration is for one (1) person only. You must complete a separate registration for each person.  Using Internet Explorer? We are currently experiencing issues with our online registration on Internet Explorer web browsers. Please use Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc. to register online. 

The Plan of Compliance for the Conditions of Participation
How confident are you that your policies and practices follow the Hospice Conditions of Participation? Have you compared your polices to the language of the CoPs and the guidelines?  Are your practices, that is, what you do, in line with CoP intentions?  Would you know how to state your case with surveyors or survive other scrutiny in the event of a dispute? 
The Hospice Academy advanced class will provide insights and specific recommendations to help guide the hospice agency toward a clearer understanding of the intent of the CoPs and offer suggestions that will enhance compliance and assist in passing surveyor scrutiny.  This learning experience will include recommendations for compliance that the hospice agency may use to raise the bar of hospice practice in Texas.

12/1/2020 12:00 PM - 12/8/2020 1:30 PM
Central Standard Time

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